Welcome to the website for Citizens Advice Wyre Forest. Please click on a link for more information.

Trustee Recruitment





What we do

We are a charity who support individuals and families with a focus on those who live, work or study in the Wyre Forest District of Worcestershire, We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to help people overcome the problems they encounter in their lives. We offer a wide range of services on issues such as debt, housing, employment, energy costs and much more.

We have been serving our community since 1996 and the challenges people face today with the ongoing impacts of issues like the cost of living crisis mean our services are needed more today by more people than at any point in our history.

Through our  small team of committed and skilled employees and volunteers and led by our Chief Officer in 2023/24 we helped over 5000 people, tackling over 16,000 issues on their behalf and provided a public value to our community of over £14m. We did this with only £400,000 of funds at our disposal through generous grants and donations to our Charity.

We are part of the Citizens Advice network of over 240 local charities who collectively help people across the country.

We know that there are many additional services we could offer in support of our charitable goals for the benefit of our community. As a result the trustee board are committed to growing the charity and helping more people in these challenging times.


If you can help us by contributing to lead, modernise, growth or manage the charity we would love to hear from you.


Trustee role


The Trustee Board are responsible for:

  • Shaping the strategy of the charity alongside the Chief Officer.
  • Setting objectives and targets for the Chief Officer and their team
  • Maintaining the Financial Health of the Charity and setting/monitoring Financial measures
  • Overseeing the running of the Charity, ensuring strong governance is in place
  • Delegating the operational activities of the Charity to the Chief Officer whilst satisfying themselves the charity upholds appropriate standards across all aspects of the charities operation e.g Health & Safety, HR, Risk Management etc.


Is it for you?

We would like you to join us as a trustee if you can contribute to the running of our charity. We can offer you the opportunity to give something back to a community and a charity where your contribution alongside everyone involved will and does make a real and tangible positive difference to thousands of people’s lives.

We welcome new trustees from a wide range of backgrounds and skill sets, more important to us than a specific background is that you have the energy and desire to help and make a difference, alongside being an effective, confident communicator with a strong team working ethic.

As a trustee you would be expected to attend and contribute to 4 formal board meetings a year including an AGM, as well as 4 to 5 informal trustee sessions through the year.

Ideally we would also hope you would take ownership on the board for an area of our oversight of the Charities activities, not to become involved operationally but to serve on the board as the ‘go to’ trustee/director for insight into that area.

If you would like further information about joining us as a trustee, please contact Paul Hodgson, Chair Wyre Forest Citizens Advice chair@wyreforestcab.org.uk 07749 900026

or Deb Dale deb.dale@wyreforestcab.org.uk 01562 60194



Smart Meters

Visit our campaigns page to find out more about the benefits of smart meters

Household Support Fund

Wyre Forest Household Support Fund

This fund is now open for applications. Please see our Wyre Forest Household Support Fund page in the menu above.


Looking for Volunteers







Free Phone: 0808 278 7891

                       Text Call Back : 0743 4613625                             

Email : info@wyreforestcab.org.uk

You can post any documents you have for us through the letterbox.

Please ensure they are clearly identified.


For emergency food boxes or food bank vouchers.

CAB House, 21-23 New Rd, Kidderminster DY10 1AF or call 01562 60194


Welcome to Citizens Advice Wyre Forest

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